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第207 二十二1(第1/3 页)

最新其他类型小说: 柱间重生记最后一个女玄术师九叔:从献祭女鬼开始修炼武道盗墓:苗疆女子并不会蛊惑人心末世:开局建造地铁核战庇护所武神品酒师盗薮从龙族开始的次元之旅用户4022474359的新书相柳这一世我们必会长相守殓妆师,天黑千万别出门异类,适者生存原神:提瓦特的祸害只能有我一个【HP】如何攻略社恐小獾赛博朋克:超能力行者网游:失落神明已上线末日丧尸:我囤积了百万晶核终诡游戏:开局读心,全家想杀我末世降临后我成了一条龙末世:为给妹妹治病我开上了机甲


-Qiao Jingjing: Can we set up a "family dream piggy bank" at noon? Every family member can save money for his little dream. Time: Dream piggy bank sounds interesting. We can use the money saved to realize our small wishes, such as buying a book or a small musical instrument. Qiao Jingjing: Yes, we can also set up a "family dream wall" where everyone writes down their dreams and attaches a piggy bank, so that they can see their goals every day. Time: Jingjing, can we start a "family health challenge for 100 days"? Encourage the whole family to stay healthy.You can also play family sports regularly, such as badminton, basketball or running. This can not only exercise, but also cultivate team spirit. " Jojo nodded and said. "Moreover, we can make family goals together, such as pleting a puzzle together, planting a plant or learning a new language." Jingjing added. "Well, we can encourage each other and grow together



